Talk show

Podcast with Debbie Drew and Christina Mecklenburg

Debbie Drews Story on her transformation from Western Medicine taking control of her live to get her health back..  Owner of La Paz Spa  since 2004.  Debbie has passion to help people Poop.  The colon washing business known as Colonics was started to help change peoples lives like she changed her life. If you want to learn more about the process she is very informative to teach you the digestive tract and the organs in the bodies connection to Health. as she says” Just wash it”.

call or text 9492281654


A Clean Colon: the Key to Health

Did you know the average American may be carrying as much as 10-25 pounds of impacted fecal matter in their colon? And that is someone of normal weight with no known allergies! These toxins wedged in the digestive track are absorbed by the bloodstream, resulting in the body’s inability to metabolize food properly or to provide vital energy for living.

There is a surprisingly wide range of health problems that colon toxicity contributes to, many that a lot of us experience everyday, including: bloating, constipation, gas, fatigue, food cravings, hypoglycemia, allergies, arthritis, difficultly losing weight, among many others.

A healthy colon should provide you with two to three bowel movements per day, shortly after each meal. Elimination should be complete, fast and easy. The stool should be light brown in color, long and large in diameter, fluffy in texture, and floating on the top of the water. Yes, floating!

Take care of your colon and your colon will take care of you!

9492281654 don’t hesitate make your body GREAT!!!


Stomach Acid & Arthritis

Here’s a very interesting video about how stomach acid affects your overall health and inflammation in the body and intestines.

An interview about Stomach Acid and Rheumatoid arthritis with Dr. Richard Matthews …